JST on 405 kHz was one of the first more remote NDBs I heard when I resumed DX-in over a year ago. The beacon is located NW of the Niš Airport in Serbia. I was very interested in verifying this beacon, as so far I was not able to verify a radio station from Serbia. All my “Serbian” QSLs date from the Yugoslavia era.

Via Patrick Robic (thank you!) I received the email address of Slavisa Savic, assessor at SMATSA llc, the company responsible for Air Traffic Services in Serbia and Montenegro. He also confirmed my reception of the TVA beacon on 345 kHz from Montenegro and was so kind to do this for the 10 beacons I received from Serbia as well. With the QSL of JST-405 Niš/Justic I have my 196th radio country confirmed!

Nis Airport is located in the South East of Serbia. It is the 2nd largest airport in Serbia. The full name is Nis Constantine the Great Airport, name after Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who was born in Niš (named Naissus at the time). Constantine the Great – as you might have learned at school – was the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity in 312 AD.
Very nice catch and QSL! Is it possible to get Slaviša Savić e-mail?
Hi Oleksandr,
I’ve just sent it to your email address. If you didn’t receive it, just let me know.
I also asked you a question on Ukranian NDBs, looking forward to your answer.
Kind regards,
Peter Reuderink