A QSL for Muravidéki Magyar Rádió, a local station serving the Hungarian minority in the north east of Slovenia. I heard them with IDs as Muravidéki Magyar Rádio and “MMR” and Hungarian music on 558 kHz. The 25 kW transmitter location seems to be shared with Radio Murski Val on 648 kHz broadcasting in Slovenian. I sent my report to mmr@rtvslo.si and received an email reply within a day.

Muravideki basically means “across the Mur”. The Muravideki region is situated north east of the river Mur which flows from Austria to Croatia/Hungary. I understand that the ethnic Slovenes have always been the majority of the people living in the region which is called Prekmurje in Slovenian language. But there has also always been a Hungarian minority, and for centuries the region was part of the Habsburg empire. In the chaos after WW1 there was briefly a Republic of Prekmurje until in 1919 the region was made part of what was ultimately Yugoslavia. Slovenia became independent in 1991.