The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL VORW via WRMI 5950 kHz

A very original QSL card from VORW Radio

John Jurasek the program host of VORW Radio International sent me a very original e- QSL via I heard them on 5950 kHz via WRMI, Okeechobee, USA.

VORW stands for “Voice Of the ReportoftheWeek”. “ReportoftheWeek” is a podcast on YouTube reviewing fast food, frozen meals and energy drinks. But what I heard on shortwave was a mix of pop music and a summary of reception reports received.

John also attached the latest schedule for VORW:

Main Broadcasts:
4840 kHz at 2 AM Eastern every Saturday Morning (New Show)
4840 kHz at 12 AM Eastern every Monday Morning (New Show)

Repeat Airings:
6115 kHz at 6 PM Eastern every Saturday Evening (Rebroadcast)
5950 kHz at 7 PM Eastern every Saturday Evening (Rebroadcast)
5950 kHz at 8 PM Eastern every Sunday Evening (Rebroadcast)
15770 kHz at 4 PM Eastern every Tuesday Afternoon (Rebroadcast)
15770 kHz at 12 PM Eastern every Thursday Afternoon (Rebroadcast)


  1. Charles Dube

    Hearing you near Springfield, MA. Strong signal on the 5950 kHz Sunday night rebroadcast at 0000Z. Interesting news and then segue to The Rolling Stones. 3.23.25. 73!

  2. C. Dube

    Sorry- this was the first page to come up for VORW. Obviously an erroneous post. Please accept my aplogies as I cannot delete this.

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi Charles, no problem. Good to know that you hear them so well.
      And feel free to visit my site in future if you need some information or help.
      Kind regards,
      Peter Reuderink

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