The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL DCF77 Time-Signal 77.5 kHz

QSL DCF77 Mainflingen
QSL DCF77 Mainflingen Time-Signal 77.5 kHz

I received this beautiful QSL card DCF77 Time-Signal on 77.5 kHz by mail. The transmitter is located in Mainflingen, Germany. The QSL was accompanied by a folder on how time is managed. I also received a 2009 magazine from the PTB (Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt) with a special topic on 50 years of DCF77. This magazine is also available online. I sent my report to .

As you can read on the QSL there is no voice announcement of the time. Instead the date and time are transmitted by in code through the interval between second markers (0.1 s = “zero”; 0.2 s = “1”). You can see this in my waterfall map below. The gap prior to second 53 and 57 is twice as big. At the minute there is no gap.

DCF77 signal. The binary code is clearly visible.


  1. Patrick

    Nice QSL !
    Didn’t know they had one.
    This timesignal is easy to receive here in NW Belgium, and also MSF on 60 kHz.
    Maybe you can also try to get a QSL from Anthorn 😉
    Recently discovered your blog and bookmarked it ! Nice work !

  2. Peter Reuderink

    Hi Patrick. Thank you for your interest in my blog. And yes, if I can find a bit of time I will definitely dive a little bit more into VLF stations.
    I had a look at your QRZ page. Amazing how many things you are exploring around radio reception and transmission! 73s, Peter.

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