Another long wave icon is gone. The longwave transmitter of Danmarks Radio in Kalundborg on 243 kHz was taken off the air on December 31st. Sadly that is the third big longwave station gone that I posted about on this blog. On January 1st, 2023 the RTL Beidweiler transmitter on 234 kHz was taken off the air. And RTE Summerhill on 252 (formerly Atlantic 252) left the theater in April.

Fortunately Mr. Jens Seeberg, former engineer at the station, was so kind to award my reception report with a nice QSL card. The photo was taken by him and a colleague engineer making a tour by airplane. I sent my report to
The site in Kalundborg was opened in 1927. At some point in time the transmitter had an output of 300 kW. In recent years operations were already trimmed down to 50 kW, and transmissions confined to shipping weather forecast and news bulletins.
That’s a nice card. When did you send your repoert?
On December 20th, it is an eQSL Franz, so you have to print it yourself. I don’t blame Mr. Seeberg for that, being a volunteer as former engineer he must be overwhelmed with last minute requests. But accompanied with a very kind personal email about his and mine DX equipment.
“Sic transit gloria mundi”
Yeah … they used to say that paper is patient, but that was long ago.