The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Denmark

QSL Skipperskole (MarTec) Skagen 8414.5 kHz

I got a friendly email to QSL Skagen Skipperskole (Martec) Skagen, Denmark, on 8414.5 kHz. Yes, Skipperskole is Skipper School in English, witnessing the Danish influence on the English language which, as most of you probably know, goes back to the Viking era.

QSL Skipperskole (MarTec) Skagen 8414.5 kHz

Mr. Andersen, principal of the school was so kind to answer my reception report. I sent it to and The Skipperskole is part of MarTec a polytechnical education institute in Skagen, a harbor city in the most northern tip of Denmark.

The DSC transmission to a fictive MMSI 999999999 was made as part of a training session in which not only Danish students, but also students from Portugal, Sweden and Panama participated. I’m very pleased with this QSL, if only because I am a huge fan of any real technical study whatsoever. We need more technically educated people!

Martec Skagen, the “eneste” skipper school in Denmark. Eneste is close to “enigste” in Dutch, which means “only”. It’s funny that “only” is more like “ähnlich” in German, which means “similar”. Etymology is another of mine as you can guess.

It probably wouldn’t be too difficult to receive Skipperskole Skagen if it wasn’t for the fact that these training sessions are not an everyday event. So you have to be lucky. And if you are dependent on night time propagation you do have bad luck, as the courses are probably day time only.
Other schools that I know off that have DSC transmissions as part of their curriculum are Bergen and Tromso in Norway, but I never got an answer from the latter one on my reception report.

QSL DR Kalundborg 243 kHz

Another long wave icon is gone. The longwave transmitter of Danmarks Radio in Kalundborg on 243 kHz was taken off the air on December 31st. Sadly that is the third big longwave station gone that I posted about on this blog. On January 1st, 2023 the RTL Beidweiler transmitter on 234 kHz was taken off the air. And RTE Summerhill on 252 (formerly Atlantic 252) left the theater in April.

eQSL Danmarks Radio Kalundborg 243 kHz

Fortunately Mr. Jens Seeberg, former engineer at the station, was so kind to award my reception report with a nice QSL card. The photo was taken by him and a colleague engineer making a tour by airplane. I sent my report to

The site in Kalundborg was opened in 1927. At some point in time the transmitter had an output of 300 kW. In recent years operations were already trimmed down to 50 kW, and transmissions confined to shipping weather forecast and news bulletins.

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