As long as I have been listening to shortwave radio there have been stations representing the opposition in countries where Freedom of Speech is an issue. Radio NUG is representing the National Unity Government of Myanmar. This government opposes the junta in Myanmar, and is recognized by the European Union as the legitimate government of Myanmar.
The NUG programs are being broadcast from Paochung , Taiwan in the Burmese language. Currently they are on the air on 11940 kHz, 14:00 – 14:30 h UTC, and 17790 kHz, 02:00 – 02:30 h UTC. Given propagation conditions the first frequency is your best bet in Europe. It is also where I got this QSL Radio NUG 11940 kHz for. At the Radio NUG site you can find a web form to submit your reception report which resulted in this computer generated QSL. Today the site also shows an email address for QSL cards: .