I got a QSL WBBR 1130 Bloomberg Radio… Wow!
WBBR on 1130 kHz is one of these stations (like CJYQ and VOCM) that most European DX-ers use to see whether there are favorable Transatlantic reception conditions for either the USA or Canada. It is really a fairly easy to catch station. That said, having lived in Canada for 4 years listening to these sort of stations always brings back memories… On the 25th of October conditions were really good!

But easy to receive doesn’t mean easy to QSL. The station started as WNEW in 1934, with the call sign referring to their slogan: “New York’s newest radio station”! And as such I heard this station often in the 80-ies, when they were still broadcasting music programs on 1130 AM. But they also featured the famous Larry King… although I have to admit that in those days I wouldn’t have known who Larry King was. I sent multiple QSL requests to WNEW… never got an answer.
In 1992 Bloomberg bought the station. And since you can receive them with one of the best slogans in the world (at least that is what I think): “From the financial capital of the world, this is WBBR New York, Bloomberg 11-3-0“. I submitted a QSL request earlier this year (never give up) and made a second attempt a week ago… and guess what!

A nice answer from Bob Janney, who is a HAM, which always helps! Bob is also a fan of the famous Friesian horse breed from the Netherlands!
Nice reward after many tries !
I was scanning MW some early morning and think I heard them too on 1130 kHz.
Never been able to hear MW DX, but quite exciting indeed.
Good DX !
Peter – hi. What was the email address you used for your radio reception report please?
I’m in England & just heard Bloomberg WBBR early this morning 👍
Paul F.
Hi Paul, I shared it directly by email (as it is not a public address).
If you did not receive it, please drop a comment again and I will follow up.
73s, Peter
Great QSL! I also received this one here in Ukraine. Hope you’ll send me an e-mail address for reception report.
Hi Oleksandr, just sent you an email. If you didn’t get it, let me know.
73s, Peter