The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Ontario

QSL CBEF 1550 “La Première” Windsor

A QSL CBEF 1550 “La Première” from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Thanks to Hugo Matten! I sent a report to twice. But twice all I got back was an acknowledgement by a CBEF employee that my email was received, and my request forwarded to the responsible team…. and that was all.

Hugo however got a direct reply from Mihai Bulgaru, Supervisor Transmission. So my third email went directly to Mihai. And yes he was so kind to reply to me as well, even referring to Hugo’s report:

Mihai included two nice photo’s of the station and transmitter site as well:

CBEF 1550 “La Première”, Windsor, Ontario

A big thanks to Mihai for the confirmation, and thanks to Hugo for sharing his QSL!

QSL CFAJ 1220 St. Catherines ON

I did not get my PPC signed, but I did get an email to QSL CFAJ 1220 St. Catherines ON, Canada. I sent my report to

1220 kHz is a good frequency for listening to Transatlantic MW stations, nicely in between European 1215 and 1224 kHz. That said, despite their 10 kW of power it is still not so easy to hear CFAJ. Their antenna pattern, using a nine (!) tower array, is tuned to a for Europe unfavorable NW/SE direction. This is done to reduce interference with neighboring US transmitter WHKW Cleveland. And exactly that station is the one that is heard more often Europe.

Praveen Amirtharaj, who answered my reception report, talks about “our new station”. And it is true, this station went on-air in 2020 with the call sign CFAJ. Since 1967 a station with callsign CHSC was active on this frequency, but their license was terminated in 2010 as the authorities (CRTC) concluded following format violations, physical deterioration and financial issues the station would not be able to comply in future.

In 2015 a new application to use the facilities of CHSC was granted to a new organization that runs CFAJ since 2020 with a Classic Hits format.

QSL CHML 900 Hamilton

Mr. Zamperin, Morning show Host and Assistant director was so kind to send an email QSL for CHML 900 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Email QSl for CHML 900 Hamilton, ON, Canada

The shut down of many European AM broadcasters makes life easier for us medium wave DX-ers. But on this frequency Saudi Arabia hits the back of my loop antenna with 400 kW strong Holy Quran chants. So in the end I switched to the MW circle KiWiSDR in Clashmore, Scotland to collect enough details for my report.

QSL CJYE 1250 “Joy Radio” Oakville, ON

With 25 kW Danko Radio on 1251 kHz you definitely need to listen LSB and pray that they don’t play overmodulated music. But JOY Radio, or CJYE from Oakville, Ontario, Canada ( between Toronto and Hamilton) can be received in The Netherlands.

“PPC” QSL card for CJYE 1250, Oakville, Ontario

For my reception report I got a friendly email from Hollie at the customer desk. It’s a small world, as she apparently grew up in Sherwood Park, near Edmonton, Alberta. For four years I lived in Sherwood Park with my family, so we had a bit of an email exchange about Sherwood Park memories. But despite a gentle reminder, the engineering team has not responded yet… I will make another attempt by “snail mail” using the above PPC.

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