Of the 4 SAQ Grimeton broadcasts I was able to listen to in 2023 this was by far the best reception with a clear CW signal, S4. A week later I received their e-QSL!

SAQ Grimeton is a former wireless telegraph station in Sweden. It generates radio signals using an AC generator (called an alternator) designed by the Swedish engineer Alexanderson. This technology was used prior to the development of vacuum tube oscillators. You can learn more about the history of this station and its planned transmissions on the website of the Alexander assocation.
Happy 2024 and good DX and lots of fun with radio Peter !
Too bad I wasn’t at home to listen for SAQ this time, as I always do when they transmit.
My best reception so far was last summer, and looks like I missed an even better signal :-/
Anyway, there will be a next time for sure.
Best 73 !
Best wishes for you as well Patrick. No doubt they will have 3-4 transmissions this year as well.
Nice eQSL !!
Thank you Joël!