The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL NDB WU-329 and VNA-364 Umea Airport

Swedavia at Umea Airport sent me a confirmation having received my reception report of NDB WU-329 and VNA-364. I am afraid that I can’t actually call this one a QSL… it is more a “thank you” and polite referral to LFV “Luftfartsverket”. LFV is the organization that remotely operates 16 airports from four control centres in Sweden: ATCC Stockholm, ATCC Malmö, RTC Stockholm and Östgöta Kontrollcentral (ÖKC).

With 1566 and 1578 kilometers from my home QTH these rank pretty high in terms of distance.


  1. Chris

    Hi Peter,

    Get in touch.. 🙂

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi Chris – contact details sent by email (including the Umea reception report).
      Kind regards, Peter Reuderink

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