The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Radio Twents Gejengel 675 kHz is back

My radio friend Joé Leyder couldn’t match a station he heard on Twente WebSDR with any of the webstreams he was familiar with. I gave it a try and found out that LPAM Twents Gejengel was back in the air. I heard mainly non stop Dutch music, but at 16:05 LT there was this ID:

“Hit na hit na hit, zo hoort radio te klinken. Jij vraagt en wij draaien ze. U luistert naar station Twents Gejengel vanuit Westerhaar”

As in the clip below:

No idea how when they resumed broadcasting, but they were still listed as “inactive” on the MW list. So I contacted the MW list and within an hour they changed it to “active”. Thank you Mauno! So nice that I can contribute to a community of fellow radio lovers!

The name of the station “Twents Gejengel” refers to Twente (the region in the east of the Netherlands from which they are broadcasting), while “Gejengel” would translate as “whining” when a little kid does it, but in this context the translation would be more like “loud irritating music”. Ah well….. it is definitely something different.

I’m not sure if I can receive this station at my own QTH, as LPAM Unique Gold from Wijchen seems to dominate the frequency at my location. And I’ve no clue whether they QSL as well… they seem to have a website Twents Gejengel, but the only thing it shows are a few reports.


  1. Johan

    Hallo Peter,

    Ik was even met YADD aan het monitoren en kwam iets tegen uit AUstralie, Wiluna Radio. Toen ik ging zoeken op Google kwam ik op jouw pagina terecht. Leuke pagina met leuke info!

    Ik ben nog niet zo lang bezig met luisteren, en digi modes, maar vind het wel erg leuk om te ontdekken!

    Gr Johan (NL14207)

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi Johan, dankjewel voor je reactie. Als je vragen hebt over een station weet je me nu te vinden.
      Groet, Peter

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