As reported earlier I received the KL85 3rd anniversary program via Studio AM900, Terneuzen, the Netherlands.
Via Bart Serlie, station manager, I received this beautiful e-QSL. According to the info I got from Bart, Studio AM900 was in the air at the time with a transmitter power of 34 Watt of which some 25 Watt was effectively used. They are planning to get a stronger transmitter online on May 13th. This one was in use by Groeistad AM Wassenaar and is referred to by Bart as the “Groeistad Griek“. Hopefully this increases the opportunity for other DX listeners to receive this nice and friendly station.
Big thanks to Bart and his team for the QSL, the nice email conversation we had, and the opportunity to participate live in the program of Edward Klein last Friday!

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