An e QSL for a new LPAM station from the Netherlands. Golden Oldies Radio from Hoogvliet near Rotterdam started broadcasting on 1224 kHz earlier this year. Power is 100 Watt. Here in Woerden (Hoogvliet is about 45 kms south west from here) reception is good during day time, but in the evening COPE Lugo is causing interference. At the same time it has become more difficult to receive the Radio 1224, another LPAM from Lunteren, some 50 kilometers to the east from my home QTH.
I sent my report to contact@goldenoldiesradio.nl . More info on the Golden Oldies Radio website.

Hi Peter,
My name is Eckhard and I’m a DX-er for more than 40 years. I live in Dessau/German about 100 km South of Berlin. I saw your QSL info about Golden Oldies Radio. I also listened to their SW program on 5800 kHz on 20th October and on their MW program on 1224 kHz on 10th November. I sent my rports to contact@goldenoldiesradio.nl, but I didn’t get any reply from Golden Oldies Radio. How long did you wait for your reply? Maybe you have an idea what I can also do for a confirmation from GORadio?
Thanks in advance and all the best for the future!
Hi Eckhard.
Thanks for your interest in my site.
For 1224 I got my report within a day via contact@goldenoldiesradio.nl. My report on 1224 was answered within a day. The report for 5835 (which was the frequency they used at the time) took a little bit longer, about a week. Please note that these are hobby stations, things might occasionally take a bit more time. Suggest you wait a week and send a gentle reminder?
73s, Peter Reuderink
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your comment. I know these are all guys who do it during their spare time. I also looked for other QSL’s from GO Radio in the internet. But I didn’t find others. Then I always have a bad feeling. But I will try it with a friendly reminder in some days.
Have a great weekend.
Best 73’s