The Bouri Oil & Gas field north of the Lybian Coast is considered to be the largest oil producing field in the Mediterranean Sea. And ENI Oil platform DP4 is the biggest platform in the Mediterranean. I was pleased to receive the NDB on this platform, with DP4 as identifier, last weekend.

Having worked in the refining and petrochemical industry for over 30 years, reception of a navigational beacon like this is special. Which also holds for the distance: 1915 kilometers, and the fact their signal was exceptionally strong (see below). I sent an email to ENI hoping they will confirm…

Nice one Peter !
Now the darker days are approaching I think it’s that time again to concentrate reception of NDB’s, Navtex, MW DX etc…again. Unfortunately Pskov does not work here, as the shack PC is Linux only, and couldn’t get it to work.
Good DX !
Thanks Patrick… guess you have to do it with your two ears then. On a low QRM location shouldn’t be a problem for this one… I didn’t test it , but it came booming in!
Hi Peter,
I am just listening to NDB GBG from Gleichenberg in Austria on http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901 but I do not have any email address to send my .wav file to.
Could you help me out?
Is there a general email address for all Austrian NDBs?
Kind regards,