The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Radio Centrale Milano 1575 kHz

UPDATE!: Today I received another email from the Centrale Milano Team. I received their testsignals – with only 10 Watts – a few weeks ago. I was promised a QSL Radio Centrale Milano 1575 kHz and here it is:

QSL Centrale Milano from Alessandria, Italy
eQSL from Centrale Milano, Alessandria, Italy on 1575 kHz

I’m really pleased with this QSL. It confirmed the low power and it shows the beautiful Cathedral in Milan which I had the opportunity to visit some 20 years ago.

Enzo from Centrale Milano wrote this in his email:

Here our QSL for your archive and some other picture of the studios and myself (Enzo) recently and during the seventies in American Radio Milano.
I was a former DJ in many Italian radio station and a speaker/voice actor for many years.

Now, my mission is to keep alive the Medium Waves in Italy and in Europe if possible….. with 10w and more (:).
We are authorized to use the historical Rai 1575Khz frequency up to 1kw so, it seem it should work very well.

Thank you very much again.
Stay Tuned !

Radio Centrale Milano

On the pictures below you see Enzo today and Enzo in the past! Stay tuned for this new station as they prepare for regular broadcasts!


  1. Werner Meskens

    Received signal well at 22:45H BE time 5 April 2024.
    QTH: Belgium, Opwijk 1745.
    Signal typ. 3 to 5, but fading conditions. Radio is Tecsun S2000, 20 meter wire antenna 5 m above ground directed south.
    No interference noticed from other stations.

    • Peter Reuderink

      Thanks for your interest in my site and letting me know Werner. Congratulations on your catch!
      73s, Peter

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