A very friendly but also a bit of an odd email to QSL my reception of SWR DasDing on 98.9 MHz. DasDing (“The Thing”) is the youth radio station of the Südwest Rundfunk, the commercial free radio for the Bundesländer (“States”) Rheinland-Pfalz (Rheinland Palatinate) and Baden-Württemberg in Germany. I heard the station during an overnight stay in Altenstadt, 28 kilometers away from the location of the 1 kW transmitter near Ulm.
Tina from DasDing wrote:
“Actually we are only broadcasting in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz. But it could be that you have received the 98.9 transmitter from Ulm”.
My reception location was about a kilometer across the border in neighbouring Bavaria. Oh oh these naughty radio waves: propagating to where they are not supposed to go… 😂 . Thank you Tina for the confirmation!

Hi Peter,
I enjoy your homepage as I also started dxing in about 1978 when I got my first QSL from the French section of Radio Baghdad on 9745 kHz in those days. And I am retiring as a teacher of English on October 1st next. So I can go back to my student days and spend nights in front of my computer, which is now linked to http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901 and this avoids me erecting antennae in my garden and annoying wife and neighbours.
Incidentally, my latest NDB QSL was from LUP on 407 kHz, which I listened to on an Austrian webSDR. So, there you are, another Doppelgänger.
I’m currently listening to a Dutch pirate on 1647 kHz but have no idea who it is as the station identification is said too quickly for a non-Dutch speaking individual.
Greetings from Luxembourg,
Hi Joé, thanks for your interest in my blog.
The station you were listening to is Radio Tarzan on 1647 kHz, a pirate from the east part of the Netherlands. The address for QSL (should you need it) is in the mail.
73s, Peter
yes they do not use 98.8 indeed but it is in fact 98.9 from Kuhberg.
this can easily be heard even in Reutte Tirol and I have this QSLled
Thanks Hans… the 98.8 was a typo in my post. Apologies, but thanks for spotting the mistake. I corrected it.
After my holiday break I’m a little behind with my posts. It shows that rushing things is never a good idea…