In June this year the German service of Radio Taiwan executed some test transmissions to determine the best frequencies broadcasting from Tamsui
“Sie Hören ein 10-minutige Testsendung von Radio Taiwan International…. von der Sendeanlage Tamsui”.
And it made sense for them to perform these tests because their signal on 11995 kHz was excellent, whereas on 9545 kHz the quality was average at best. Worse, on 7250 kHz I didn’t manage to receive them at all…
My reception reports were awarded with an “old school” paper QSL… which is fitting for an “old school” request for listeners to report on reception quality! Thank you RTI!

What a difference within Europe! 7250 kHz wasn’t as good as 11995 and 9545 kHz in my place, but still SINPO 34333. Noise was mostly from lightning – hard to believe that summer went by so fast!
It is remarkable indeed Franz. But I do see this often listening to DSC stations where people upload logs to YADDNET server, so you can compare conditions.