The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Taiwan

QSL Radio Taiwan Intl from Tamsui

In June this year the German service of Radio Taiwan executed some test transmissions to determine the best frequencies broadcasting from Tamsui

“Sie Hören ein 10-minutige Testsendung von Radio Taiwan International…. von der Sendeanlage Tamsui”.

And it made sense for them to perform these tests because their signal on 11995 kHz was excellent, whereas on 9545 kHz the quality was average at best. Worse, on 7250 kHz I didn’t manage to receive them at all…

My reception reports were awarded with an “old school” paper QSL… which is fitting for an “old school” request for listeners to report on reception quality! Thank you RTI!

QSL card from Radio Taiwan International for test transmissions in German

QSL XSX Keelung Radio 12577 kHz

QSL XSX Keelung Radio Taiwan
Fully detailed eQSL from XSX Keelung Radio, Taiwan

If I’m not mistaken this was my 3rd attempt to get this nice QSL for XSX Keelung Radio 12577 kHz. I sent my report to .

Unfortunately I couldn’t find a lot of info about Keelung Radio on the internet. So I will finish this post with my QSL from 1982 from Keelung Radio, when we were still searching the bands for VVV and CQ markers in CW:

1982 QSL for reception of Keelung Radio in CW on 8 MHz.

QSL Radio NUG 11940 kHz

As long as I have been listening to shortwave radio there have been stations representing the opposition in countries where Freedom of Speech is an issue. Radio NUG is representing the National Unity Government of Myanmar. This government opposes the junta in Myanmar, and is recognized by the European Union as the legitimate government of Myanmar.
The NUG programs are being broadcast from Paochung , Taiwan in the Burmese language. Currently they are on the air on 11940 kHz, 14:00 – 14:30 h UTC, and 17790 kHz, 02:00 – 02:30 h UTC. Given propagation conditions the first frequency is your best bet in Europe. It is also where I got this QSL Radio NUG 11940 kHz for. At the Radio NUG site you can find a web form to submit your reception report which resulted in this computer generated QSL. Today the site also shows an email address for QSL cards: .

QSL Radio NUG, broadcasting from Paochung, Taiwan
e QSL from Radio NUG, broadcasting from Paochung, Taiwan

Special QSL Radio Taiwan International 11995 kHz

Earlier I received a special QSL Radio Taiwan International on 11995 kHz for a report on the German program. Normally this program is broadcast from Kostinbrod in Bulgaria, but in July it was also transmitted from Tamsui, Taiwan.

In August the French program was in the air from Tamsui, also on 11995 kHz. For reports on this transmission another special QSL Radio Taiwan International was awarded. And again via regular mail! Throughout the year you can listen to their French program via the powerful transmitters in Issoudun, France or Kostinbrod, Bulgaria.

QSL Radio Taiwan Int. French service from Tamsui
Special QSL card for the French program of Radio Taiwan, directly from Tamsui, Taiwan

Special QSL Radio Taiwan International 11995 kHz

Radio Taiwan International usually transmits their German program from the Kostinbrod site in Bulgaria. But in July they were also in the air from Tamsui in Taiwan. I received them on 11995 kHz. Reception reports were award with a special QSL Radio Taiwan International.

The special QSL card from Radio Taiwan for the reception of their German program from Tamsui, Taiwan, in July 2023, features the German editorial team.

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