The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Shortwave (Page 10 of 12)

QSL Atlantic 2000 International via Channel 292

I received this e- QSL from Atlantic 2000 International for my reception of their program transmitted via Channel 292, Rohrbach-Waal, Germany. What I like about their program is the music selection which also features French popular music. When I was young we heard much more French chansons on the radio…

QSL Atlantic 2000 international via Ch. 292
e- QSL from Atlantic 2000 International, broadcasting via Channel 292

With the e-QSL I also received some information in French about this station which has a 45 year old history. About as long as my own radio/DX-ing career! I took the liberty to translate some of it here:

After broadcasting on FM from 1978 to 1982, Atlantic 2000 International was heard for the first time on shortwave on June 6, 1982, on 7325 kHz. The following shows aired monthly until July 1988 with 25 and 30 W transmitters.

After more than 19 years of absence, Atlantic 2000 returned to the airwaves on October 28, 2007, on 6280 and 6210 kHz.

From 2008 to 2010, Atlantic 2000 broadcast its programs from Italy, on the transmitters of Mystery Radio, then Radio Amica.

From December 2010, our programs were broadcast from Germany by
different relay stations:

  • on 3985, 6005 and 7310 kHz via Shortwave Service at Kall-Krekel (12/2010 to 02/2017)
  • on 9480, then 9485 and 7265 kHz via MV Baltic Radio in Göhren (10/2011 to 01/2016)
  • on 3955, 6070, 7440 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292 at Rohrbach Waal.
  • In July 2016 and January 2018, Atlantic 2000 was relayed by the WINB transmitter, located at Red Lion in the USA, on the frequency of 9265 kHz, with a power of 50 kW.
  • In 2021, several shows were aired by Radio Miami International (WRMI)
    from Okeechobee in Florida (USA), with a power of 100 kW.

On their website you can learn that the name Atlantic 2000 is much older than 45 years. That name belonged to a station broadcasting from San Sebastian to the French Atlantic Coast, with roots going back to Radio Andorra (which will be a topic of my next post). Following the death of dictator Franco this station was closed in 1975 by the Spanish government. The FM broadcasts from the French Atlantic coast starting in 1978 were a tribute to this station.

Having sent my report I should be informed about future broadcasts, which I will post accordingly on this blog. Stay tuned!

QSL Reach Beyond Australia 15460 kHz

Reach Beyond broadcasts from Kununurra in Northwest Australia. For my reception of their “Women of Hope” program in Tamil I received this nice e- QSL in about three days. I sent my report to .

QSL Reach Beyond Kunumurra Australia
E- QSL from Reach Beyond, Kununurra, Northwest Australia

In 2001 HCJB was granted permission for the construction of a transmitter in Kununurra, and the station went live in 2003. In 2014 the ministry changed its name from HCJB Global into Reach Beyond. Fortunately their dedication to DX-ers all over the world with their QSL policy did not change. Today Reach Beyond is broadcasting to the the Asia Pacific region in 25 languages. You can learn about the history of Reach Beyond Australia on their website.

QSL VORW via WRMI 5950 kHz

A very original QSL card from VORW Radio

John Jurasek the program host of VORW Radio International sent me a very original e- QSL via I heard them on 5950 kHz via WRMI, Okeechobee, USA.

VORW stands for “Voice Of the ReportoftheWeek”. “ReportoftheWeek” is a podcast on YouTube reviewing fast food, frozen meals and energy drinks. But what I heard on shortwave was a mix of pop music and a summary of reception reports received.

John also attached the latest schedule for VORW:

Main Broadcasts:
4840 kHz at 2 AM Eastern every Saturday Morning (New Show)
4840 kHz at 12 AM Eastern every Monday Morning (New Show)

Repeat Airings:
6115 kHz at 6 PM Eastern every Saturday Evening (Rebroadcast)
5950 kHz at 7 PM Eastern every Saturday Evening (Rebroadcast)
5950 kHz at 8 PM Eastern every Sunday Evening (Rebroadcast)
15770 kHz at 4 PM Eastern every Tuesday Afternoon (Rebroadcast)
15770 kHz at 12 PM Eastern every Thursday Afternoon (Rebroadcast)

QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI 5950 kHz

I received a this nice e- QSL from Radio Igloo. Via WRMI 5950 kHz they brought a program about Britt Wadner, owner of offshore pirate Radio Syd. In 1962 Radio Syd was the successor of Skånes Radio Mercur, the first Swedish pirate station. The popularity of pirate radio is easily understood if you know that Swedish National Radio played a maximum of 60 minutes of recorded music a day, with only two or three “pop songs”.

QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI
QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI showing Britt Wadner and the radio ship.

Unfortunately for me Radio Igloo targeted North and South America from the WRMI location (Okeechobee, Florida, USA). In combination with some propagation disturbance that night it made it difficult for me to really understand the details of what was said about Britt Wadner and her ship. But the 60’s music was very enjoyable.

Hopefully there will be broadcasts targeted to the European audience in future, as happened in the past using a transmitter in Europe. Reports to are welcome. Please do specify not only technical details but let them know what you think of program content.

QSL LRA36 RN Arcángel San Gabriel

I think I am chasing a QSL LRA36 RN Arcángel San Gabriel for about 40 years now. To be precise, the station started transmitting from Esperanza Base in 1979. That is exactly the year in which I started with my hobby as a 17 year old kid. They featured in every WRTH I bought since…

I heard them once, many years ago. But I never received a reply on my report. On Saturday July 8th this year at 19.00 h UTC I heard them again on the usual frequency of 15476 kHz in USB. I was afraid that I tuned in too late, as reception quality soon deteriorated, and after 19.15 h UTC I couldn’t pick up their signal anymore.

QSL LRA36 Antarctica 15476 kHz
LRA36 RN Arcangel San Gabriel sends a nice PDF as QSL

But during these 15 minutes I heard a conversation between a man and woman, and more importantly: a fragment of a passionate Argentinian ballad. As I could neither specify details of the discussion, nor the title of the song I sent a small MP3 clip along with my reception report. And one month later I got his beautiful PDF as QSL in return.

Clearly the Argentinian government has a geopolitical motive maintaining a shortwave radio station in Antarctica. That said I’m still grateful to the LRA36 team for their commitment to the DX-ing community all these years!

It is not always clear to me when LRA36 is in the air. They seem to have regular programs on Saturday between 18 and 22 h UTC. I also heard that they have programs on Monday and Wednesday evening (UTC). My advice is to monitor DX sites like SWL-ing post, HF Underground or Hard-Core-DX for the latest information. Reception reports can be send to .

Woerden – Esperanza Base : 13916 km

QSL Taupo Radio 8414.5 kHz

Last night I received Taupo Radio, New Zealand, with a DSC message on 8414.5 kHz. Within the hour I received a polite email confirming my reception report via .

QSL email Taupo Radio DSC New Zealand
Email QSL from Taupo Radio, New Zealand

Now obviously I’m very grateful that operators of Taupo Radio took the time to send me answer. I do realize that replying to reception reports is not their core business. Many stations don’t even bother… But while a reply within the hour is an example of efficiency, it also makes me longing for the old days and it raises some concern…

In 1989 I received Awarua Radio, ZLB. It was one of 4 coastal radio stations in New Zealand, and it was the one that covered HF. So with proper propagation conditions you could pick up their CW signals. Yep, we were still on morse code. I think rationalization kicked in between 1991 and 1994, and 4 stations became one: Taupo Radio. And in itself that was not a bad thing. You can learn a bit more on this site about NZ coastal radio station history and here on Awarua Radio in particular.

At the time my reception report took about three weeks to land on their desk and another three weeks for an envelope to drop in the mailbox. The days we worked with printers if not typewriters. When there was no email and we had to rely on airmail. But I received a comprehensive letter with lots of information about the station, their transmitters, the receivers (JRC NRD515s – nice detail is that I made today’s Radio Taupo reception on my 30 years old JRC NRD 535!). And a beautiful QSL card that displayed pride in the coastal radio stations of New Zealand.

QSL Awarua Radio New Zealand
Proud of your Coast Radio Station… the QSL of Awarua Radio shows it!

And that is what is lacking today. Call me an old dude, a radio geek whatever… but I do think it is an opportunity missed. Driven by efficiency and bureaucrats who don’t understand the difference between a Volt and an Ampere there is no more space and time for pride and passion in engineering and technology and what it brings society… How much effort would it take to just include one promotional picture in an email from an interested listener? Promotion has never been so easy…
And that – as a PhD Physics and retired technology manager – worries me… How are we going to foster interest in engineering studies so much needed in western society? Your thoughts? Leave a comment!

QSL Awarua Radio New Zealand
The back of the QSL: Awarua Radio was the HF presence in a network of 4 coastal radio stations

QSL Radio Vanuatu 7260 kHz

As far as I know Radio Vanuatu only recently started to award eQSLs. I heard them in the past, but never managed to receive a QSL. I did not have my old reception reports available anymore. And as you never know for how long the station will continue to issue eQSLs I decided to make an exception and tuned in via a KiwiSDR in Brisbane, Australia on 7260 kHz. In very good quality I listened to an enjoyable progamme bringing reggae and world music with news on the hour. One day later the QSL arrived by email. Thank you to Mr. Warren Robert for making the QSL available!

eQSL Radio Vanuatu (VBTC) on 7260 kHz
eQSL Radio Vanuatu 7260 kHz

QSL Palavra Alegre 9765 kHz

For my reception report to I received a friendly email announcing that a QSL card was to be sent. And indeed a few weeks later I received a traditional and beautiful QSL card by mail.

The station is also referred to as Madagascar World Voice and operated by World Christian Broadcasting. They are also the organisation behind KNLS from Alaska. Because of their extremely northern location in Alaska they sought a second transmitter site in the southern hemispere. Construction started as early as 2006 but was delayed due to cyclones and national political issues in Madagascar. Broadcasts started in 2016. Palavra Alegre is the name of their Portugese programme directed to Brasil, but note there are also 6 African countries with Portugese as the official language.

QSL Palavra Alegre 9765 kHz

KYODO News by FAX on 16971 kHz

As far as I know – and correct me if I’m wrong, comments are more than welcome – KYODO from Japan is the only service that still broadcasts newspapers in FAX on HF / Shortwave. According to their website they are radio-transmitted twice a day to about 800 ocean-going ships and fishing boats, and hotels in resorts abroad. The first newspaper was published in 1964.

I received them with my RSPdx and MLA30+ antenna on June 26th, around 17:30 h UTC on 16971 kHz. Interesting detail: apparently because of the complexity of the Japanese characters they transmit in 60 rather than the more common 120 lines per minute.

A good overview of the few FAX transmission still available can be found on this website. KYODO has transmissions from Singapore as well.

Kyodo Japan News Fax
Fax from Kyodo News Agency in Japan

QSL KTWR Guam 9900 kHz

For my reception of their program in Korean language I received this detailed e-QSL from KTWR Trans World Radio Guam.

eQSL TWR Asia from Guam showing their antennas in Guam
eQSL KTWR Guam details
Detailed eQSL from KTWR Guam

Checking my files I found that it was almost 40 years ago that I QSL-ed KTWR Guam for the first time. This is the card I received for my reception on 11840 kHz, December 30th, 1983.

1984 QSL card from KTWR Trans World Radio Guam
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