The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Italy (Page 3 of 3)

QSL Nexus IBA on 1323 kHz

Last Sunday (not on Saturday as indicated in the email below) I tuned in to NEXUS IBA from Villa Estense, Italy, on 1323 kHz. Prior to Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio” at 20 h UTC, and “AWR Wavescan” at 20:30 h UTC I received a program called “16 Gwendoline Street”. I can’t find a lot of information about this program, but they brought a beautiful selection of Japanese music. I sent them an email so stay tuned.

Below my QSL Nexus IBA on 1323 kHz with some additional information.
As the information is available on the internet as well I regard the “privacy notice” footer as a mere formality.

Email QSL Nexus IBA Radio 1323 kHz

QSL RadioFreccia on 88.3 MHz

June 13th late afternoon brought very good ionospheric conditions towards Italy. Around 17:50 h UTC I received a couple of Italian stations. RadioFreccia on 88.3 MHz was one of them. I sent my report to and Mr. Alessandro Palumbo was so kind to confirm my reception by email. The transmitter I received is located in Madonna del Tufo, south of Rome, almost 1300 kms from my QTH.

QSL RadioFreccia, Italy
QSL RadioFreccia, Italy on 88.3 MHz

This was the first Ionospheric DX reception I made since I picked up my hobby again last year. Reception was made with my ICOM R8600, HDSDR and Discone as antenna. I posted a small clip of my reception on Youtube.

My report read on Radio Six International (and recorded by Hugo!)

On June 6th Radio Six International celebrated their 60th anniversary. They ran a 24 h broadcast on 9670 kHz via Channel 292 Rohrbach. And there was also a 2 hr live evening show via Nexus 1323 kHz.

My reception report on 9670 kHz was read in the evening show. Hugo Matten was listening as well and recognized my name. He made a nice recording of my letter being read on the show and posted it via YouTube .

The Radio Six International team must have been very busy that day. And I probably didn’t convey my message on signal quality properly. I could receive them in good quality on both frequencies. But it is definitely true that on my suburb home QTH solar panels (almost every neighbor has them on their roof) produce a lot of interference on a sunny day. A loop antenna helps, but not everyone has one… evening hours are therefore always preferred!

Now I’m anxiously awaiting their QSL!

Radio Six International Logo celebrating 60 years!
Radio Six International celebrated their 60th anniversary on June 6th

QSL Radio Z100 Milano 1350 kHz

I received a polite email as QSL Radio Z100 Milano 1350 kHz. The station operates with 1 kW from Villa Estense, a location near Milano, Italy. TWR Armenia is off air late in the evening, and Z100 came in quite strong, without interference. Apparently they also have a transmitter at 990 kHz, but here SER Bilbao is dominant.

QSL Radio Z100 Milano, Italy
QSL Radio Z100 Milano 1350 kHz

QSL Regional Radio Umbria 1440 kHz

Regional Radio is a station making programs for the Umbria region in Italy. It uses a few low power mediumwave transmitters to do so. I got a very nice fully detailed e-QSL from Regional Radio following reception of their 400 W transmitter on 1440 kHz, a frequency that is often dominated by Radio 208 from Copenhagen.
Learn more about Regional Radio on their website.

A very nice fully detailed QSL from Regional Radio, Umbria, Italy

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