The wonderful world of listening to the radio


QSL NDB DND-394 Dundee

A QSL for NDB DND at 394 kHz for Dundee Airport. Mr. LJ Smith from Air Traffic Control at Dundee was so kind to confirm my reception within a day. This is my fifth confirmation from a HIAL airport. They operate 11 airports in the Scottish Highlands. With 708 km Dundee is the one closest to my location. As before I sent my report to, asking them to forward it to the local Air Traffic Control officer.

Dundee Airport sells itself as “the gateway to golf” as championship courses at St Andrews, Gleneagles and Carnoustie are nearby. It is a small airport though, mainly used by charters and private aircraft. Loganair operates flights to London City Airport, Kirkwall (Orkney) and Sumburgh (Shetland).

Dundee Airport

QSL NDB SAY-431 Stornoway

QSL for NDB SAY-431 from Stornoway signed by Peadar Smith, Air Traffic Controller. Peadar answered my reception report by email first and offered me to sign a PPC as well. And since I thought of starting using PPCs again I gladly accepted his offer:

PPC for my reception of NDB SAY-431 Stornoway, United Kingdom
PPC QSL for NDB SAY-431 Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.

Stornoway is situated on the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, United Kingdom. The airfield was opened in 1937, primarily for military purposes. Today it is owned by HIAL and mainly used for domestic services.

My QSL is the 5th from a HIAL airport (Islay, Wick, Benbecula and Kirkwall other the other NDBs I received a QSL for). I sent my initial report to But you could also send your report to directly to Peader at the address below. Mind you: Peader is an avid stamp collector, so trust he will be very happy if you could add some stamps with your report!

Peadar Smith
Air Traffic Controller
Port Adhair Steòrnabhagh
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
Stornoway Airport, Isle of Lewis, HS2 OBN
United Kingdom

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