Earlier I posted about my QSL for NDBs C-410 and C-401 from A Coruña. These beacons were confirmed as part of a set of 5 NDBs I received from the north of Spain. The other beacons are SA, B and HIG. NDB SA on 416 kHz is located near Seve Ballasteros – Santander Airport.

Email to QSL my reception of NDBs C, COA, SA, B and HIG in the North of Spain

Seve Ballasteros was a well know golfprofessional who at the age of 54 after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. In 2015, four years after his death, the Santander Airport was named after him.
The position of the beacon in relation to the airport can easily be seen on the ourairports website. It sits nicely in line with the runway.

And as always the information desk at Enaire included a datasheet for this beacon: