Thanks to my friend Artur from Maresme DX I got a promising contact address at Radio Koper-Capodistria from Slovenia. My report from April for the reception of their program on 1170 kHz was answered after 10 weeks with this beautiful paper QSL card (front and back).

From all the medium wave QSLs I collected in the 80ies, Radio Capodistria is one of the few stations still left on medium wave. But according to a recent post on Ydun’s Mediumwave Info the continuation of medium wave operations might be at jeopardy. Below you can see the QSL I received almost 44 years ago, with “Koper” pennant and car stickers. At the time Slovenia was still part of Yugoslavia.

Peter – Congrat with the answer fom Radio Capodistra. Could you please help me with a “good” contact at Radio Capodistra. Have a nice day. ToreB
Hi Tore,
Thanks for the interest in my site. I sent it be separate mail. If you don’t get it, let me know.