I received a paper QSL card, nice letter and sticker for my reception of FRS Holland on 5940 and 7405 kHz. I sent my report to P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands, and added 5 Euro. They also have an email address frs@frsholland.nl and a new website: https://frsholland.nl/

The station started in 1980, and has been off and on in the air. On their website you can find plenty of info about the rich history of this station. They welcome QSLs, also for reports from WebSDRs. If you want to receive a hard copy (paper) QSL please make sure to included 3 Euro or USD to cover return postage. More info on: https://frsholland.nl/qsl-policy/
The QSL that I received is on glossy paper, A5 format, printed on both sides. You can actually choose a QSL card design from their collection of legacy QSLs. The one I received was #5 showing the Akai tape recorder used to produce jingles.

It looks like the next broadcasts of FRS Holland are scheduled for July 21st and 28th, do check their website!
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