Via ONDA (Office Nationale des Airports) in Morocco I received an email to QSL my reception of NDB CDS-345 Daouarat. This beacon is located south of Casablanca. Mr. Fouad Naji, Chef de Division NAV, encouraged the passion of a DX-er, which is nice. I sent my report to .

I’m looking for a neat way to document my NDB QSLs other than just printing the emails. The example above is what I’m currently thinking about. The relevant info, email, company logo and the signature recorded by Pskov.
What do you think? Comments are more than welcome!
That example looks really nice Peter, with all the relevant info.
Just thinking, if there has been reception without Pskov for example, you could instead place a small map with the location of the NDB, and maybe a line inbetween your QTH and NDB marking the distance.
Or that small map can be added to the current layout, but perhaps it will look too crowded 😉
Anyway, just thinking out loud here Peter, but the layout here above looks fine indeed !
73 !
Hi Patrick, as you can see I have changed it a little bit. The top bar now shows a photo of the relevant airport, allowing me to make it a little bit more special.
Yes you are right, I could consider adding a map for PPCs from broadcasting stations, should I decide to go that route. Problem is that if you do this for Transatlantic DX you will not distinguish Ottawa from Toronto given the scale.