In the last two weeks I have not been very active behind the radio, on my blog, and on my website… Did I lose my appetite for the radio hobby? No not at all… But since I am retired my wife and I had a desire to relocate to a quieter part of the country and build our own home. Acquiring a building plot in The Netherlands is not easy, but two weeks ago a perfect opportunity presented itself. So understandably that created a bit of distraction…

A nice and above all a very rural location… open skies and vistas because that’s what we like, but at the same time only a kilometer away from forest and heath (which is what our dog likes).
More relevant for this blog: I really do hope it is a location with significant less QRM than my current suburbian house. With one neighbour 50 meters away and only 6 in a 200 meter radius my expectations are high. And with the construction of our new house I do have the opportunity to reduce noise from the mandatory solar panels as much as possible. So if anyone has construction tips related to this topic… please post them in the comments!
Ohh now that is something exciting for you both (and the dog ;-))
Last year we also moved to a more rural location, but not as rural as on your picture.
Nevertheless, the QRM is much much less here, as we lived in the centre of a city and next to a railway, and as the cherry on the cake, a close neighbour with a solar panel system spitting horrendous QRM from LW up to VHF.
So, if you want to install a PV system, avoid at all cost the SolarEdge brand…for several years it made my radiohobby almost impossible.
I’ve heard good things about the SMA brand and being ‘radio friendly’.
Success, and exciting times ahead !
73, Patrick
Thank you Patrick. I will do some thorough research on how to select a PV system. But I don’t think it is a good idea not to install one. My antenna’s will be 50 meter away from my own house, and probably something like 70 meter from the only neighbour we will have. And there is a lot to be gained with a good design!