Receiving QSLs from remote places around the globe is always nice. So I was very pleased to receive this QSL from Aasiaat Radio, Greenland following a reception of a DCS test message on 2187.5 kHz. Bo Mogensen on was so kind to reply to my report. Initially I thought I received Qaqortoq Radio on the basis of the MMSI number 003311000 received, but Bo explained to me that MMSI numbers were rationalized following ITU recommendations, so this one belongs to Aasiaat now.

Peter was this an e-QSL? Tnx info.
Great blog site.
Thanks Steve. No this was a printed “old school” QSL.
Wow! That is great to hear. I just love these stations that have stayed with tradition, one of radio’s finest and sadly now ignored by many because of economics. I’ll have to research the frequencies that these guys are using and hopefully catch them. I also need to search my old logs as I think I logged the OZN NDB here about 10 years ago. I hear UP in Greenland most winters. I wonder how a ten-year old reception report might go over!! Many tnx again and continued success with your DXing and verifications … I think we have much in common. I started DXing at age 10 in 1957 … during the amazing Cycle 19. I thought radio would always be that good but found out about 10 years later that it wasn’t the case.
73 Steve VE7SL