A QSL for Realmix Radio from southern Finland on 6195 kHz.
With the major broadcasters leaving shortwave there is a trend of smaller low power stations to step in. If only for the fun of it! The Netherlands seem to be leading with stations like Casanova, Delta, Veronica and Piepzender. But Finland is following with Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Piko, Realmix Radio and Radio Blacksmith Knoll (the latter one is a station I still have to receive).

I heard Realmix Radio around 18:30 UTC for a few minutes in reasonable quality SINPO23332, with the English presenter clearly understandable. Around 19:00 I was able to pick up a few song titles with Shazam. Their SSTV signal was also clearly audible, but did not result in a decent decode.
I sent my report to realmix.sw@gmail.com . Realmix Radio is on air during the weekend, check for the latest schedule on their Facebook page.
At what time did you listen, and how was the signal? I do catch it here, too, but only very sporadic and poorly. SDRs suggest that they have a nice choice of music, some programming is in English, but what I’m missing is some info about Finland.
Hi Franz, you made me aware that I could have added a bit more detail. So I updated my post. I heard Realmix Radio August 11th around 18:30 UTC for a few minutes in reasonable quality SINPO23332, with the English presenter clearly understandable. Around 19:00 I was able to pick up a few song titles with Shazam app. Their SSTV signal was also clearly audible, but did not result in a decent decode. Music was oldies (Moody Blues, Willy Nelson). I’ll send you an audio clip by email.
Thanks for the MP3! Sounds pretty much like what I heard in March, but the signal didn’t stay that long at the time – not even for half a minute.
Let’s hope that signals from Finland will improve further.
Hello Radiofriends, Hello Peter, with the new 100 Watts transmitter RealMix Radio is hearable at night in North Germany – sometimes over the day weak when no other station is transmitting in the near with wide bandwith. I am using only a loop antenna indoor and so it is very difficult to get a good signal.
I have written an article about this station which you can find on the website of Radio Delta.
Hi Dieter, thanks for bringing this to our attention. For convenience: this is the link to the RealMix story on the Radio Delta website