The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Hai Phong Radio 8414.5 kHz

This was my fourth attempt in the last 12 months and finally successful: QSL Hai Phong Radio 8414.5 kHz. They were broadcasting a DSC message to cargo ship “Ga Hong” on the South Chinese Sea. I sent my report to . It is only my 2nd QSL from Vietnam. The other one is from the Voice of Vietnam, years ago.

Successful on my 4th attempt: eQSL from Hai Phong Radio / XVG

Hai Phong Radio is probably the station from Vietnam that I receive most often. Ho Chi Minh Radio is another regular one. I received Nha Trang Radio once on 8 MHz. This station apparently doesn’t operate on higher frequencies. I sent reports to these latter two stations via regular mail, but never received a reply. So if someone has a good (email)address, feel free to put it in the comments.


  1. Néstor Fischetto

    Dear Peter:
    I also sent reports to Da Nang and Ho Chi Min, in November 2023. Until now you have not responded.
    We will keep trying.

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi Nestor, thanks for reading my blog! Did you use email to Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh? Or the regular mail addresses?

      • Néstor Fischetto

        For now I am only sending reports via email.

  2. Ghalem Kamel

    Hello Nestor
    Try these addresses and it may take some time to respond

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