The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Valencia

QSL Pop Lasser, Valencia 90.3 MHz

The return on my Spanish Sporadic E reception reports is quite poor. Especially when you compare it to the response rate of the Italian stations (over 50%). But at least my report to Pop Lasser FM from Valencia, Spain, was answered with a kind reply from the technical department. I sent my report to .

Email answering my reception report to Radio Pop Lasser on 90.3 MHz from Valencia, Spain.

Pop Lasser (the RDS display shows Laser by the way) broadcasts from Valencia with only 2 kW. I heard them with pop music and local commercials from Valencia, which – in addition to the PI code/RDS – helped the identification.

QSL COPE Valencia on 1296 kHz

In less than one hour after sending my report I received a QSL COPE Valencia on 1296 kHz. My reception was confirmed with a QSL by Carlos Corral from the local technical department who also confirmed my report for COPE Murcia. Thank you Carlos!

COPE is an acronym for Cadena de Ondas Populares EspaƱolas. This nation wide network is established by the Spanish Episcopal Conference – the catholic bishops in Spain – with the intent to bring religious programs. Since 1980 the network evolved to a more generalist radio. They still bring religious programs though, and the church has a prominent spot on the COPE website.

email QSL COPE Valencia 1296 kHz
email QSL for COPE Valencia on 1296 kHz

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