The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Shortwave (Page 4 of 12)

Special Anniversary QSL Atlantic 2000

Announcement from Atlantic 2000:

Atlantic 2000 international was for the first time on shortwave the 6th of June 1982. This month, we are forty-two years old!

For this event, we will broadcast our special anniversary show this Saturday, June 8th, from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC, 

on 6070 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292, and online on our website.
If you want to receive our special eQSL, send a really detailed reception report to: atlantic2000international[at]

Good listening!

Visit our website and listen to Atlantic 2000:

QSL Atlantic 2000 international via Ch. 292
e- QSL from Atlantic 2000 International, broadcasting via Channel 292

LA music lovers: Isle of music on air this weekend

From the Isle of Music, June 2024

On June 8, 2024, we will feature music from the winning albums in the Fusión Alternativa (“No me formes crisis by Toques del Río) and Nueva Trova plus Notas Discográficas (“Universos” by Tony Ávila y Su Grupo) categories of Cubadisco 2024

Times & Frequencies are:

1700-1800 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia

1900-2000 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)

2300-2400 UTC 3955 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)

All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

We will honor reception reports with an eQSL using websdrs IF
1.  The entire hour is reported
2.. Which websdr is clearly specified. 
This will be strictly enforced beginning this month; reports for just a few minutes of the show will be acknowledged with a short note of thanks instead. 


William “Bill” Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC
809 S. 20th ST
Lafayette, IN 47905-1551
phone: 312.351.2330

QSL Radio Batavia 6280 kHz

QSL Radio Batavia 6280 kHz. I received a brief email and an e-QSL card for my report to . Radio Batavia is a pirate station operating from the Netherlands. They use a home made tube receiver on an inverted V antenna 2×12 meter. When I listened to them they played a Radio Batavia song.

eQSL Radio Batavia on 6280 kHz

QSL Radio Mi Amigo 6085 kHz

A QSL Radio Mi Amigo 6085 kHz via Kall-Krekel in Germany. Funny thing is that this is my first Radio Mi Amigo QSL. I know for sure that I have sent various reports to “Radio Mi Amigo” programs in the distant past.

e QSL Radio Mi Amigo on 6085 kHz

Lion Keezer was so kind to reply to my reception report within a day. Lion grew up with the pirate stations in the 60ies, and in 1972 he stepped on board Mi Amigo for the first time.

I don’t think that following their off shore days the organizations presenting themselves as Radio Mi Amigo were very professional. But today that is definitely very different. Radio Mi Amigo connects with their audience through their website,  newsletter , via Facebook and via Twitter and Instagram

Some of their programmes can be listened to via Mixcloud. And if you are interested in off shore radio in the 70-ies, please do check out the iBook: ‘Pirate Radio Ships in the 70s’

QSL Johnny Tobacco Radio 6275 kHz

A QSL for Johnny Tobacco Radio on 6275 kHz. At first I thought I received Akenzo, which is also broadcasting on this frequency.

QSL Johnny Tobacco / Abu Dhabi Radio
QSL Johnny Tobacco / Abu Dhabi Radio

Johnny Tobacco runs a 1.5 kW transmitter on a dipole. And yep it was “booming in”. Location is in the north east of the Netherlands. I heard “Abu Dhabi” as an alternate ID. I got the address through this excellent website:

QSL PowerRumpel via Channel 292

QSL PowerRumpel via Channel 292, Germany. PowerRumpel is a program maker that has been active via Channel 292 for quite a while. But somehow I had never listened to them. I was pleasantly surprised this weekend tuning into their program telling the story of the Rain Man movie and playing music from the sound track.

eQSL PowerRumpel via Channel 292

The QSL nicely reflects the program content. I sent my report to . Their coming broadcasts are scheduled on 6070 kHz for each 2nd Sunday of the month on 18 h UTC, with a repeat on the next Friday, also on 6070 kHz, 18 h UTC. Theme of the June broadcast will be the movie Barfuss (Barefoot).

QSL Radio Casanova Int. 6060 kHz

Last weekend I was able to receive Radio Casanova International on 6060 kHz. This is a legal shortwave station broadcasting from Winterswijk in The Netherlands. They are in the air on 6020 and 6060 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They use 400W, 1600 PEP via an inverted V antenna. Within a few hours I received their beautiful eQSL via .

e QSL Radio Casanova, The Netherlands

Despite their strong signal the reception quality was a bit compromised due to interference from solar panels as it was a sunny day.

QSL FRS Holland 5940/7405 kHz

I received a paper QSL card, nice letter and sticker for my reception of FRS Holland on 5940 and 7405 kHz. I sent my report to P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands, and added 5 Euro. They also have an email address and a new website:

Paper QSL card from FRS Holland

The station started in 1980, and has been off and on in the air. On their website you can find plenty of info about the rich history of this station. They welcome QSLs, also for reports from WebSDRs. If you want to receive a hard copy (paper) QSL please make sure to included 3 Euro or USD to cover return postage. More info on:

The QSL that I received is on glossy paper, A5 format, printed on both sides. You can actually choose a QSL card design from their collection of legacy QSLs. The one I received was #5 showing the Akai tape recorder used to produce jingles.

It looks like the next broadcasts of FRS Holland are scheduled for July 21st and 28th, do check their website!

April 2024 QSL Atlantic 2000

Because of its interesting mix of music, featuring French chansons, I like to listen to Atlantic 2000 via Channel 292 in Germany. This is the e-QSL for their program last week. In my garden I enjoy similar cherry blossom as on the QSL. The temperatures are however lagging… it is windy and too cold for the time of year.

April 2024 QSL for Atlantic 2000

QSL Texas Radio Shortwave via Ch.292

An e QSL for Texas Radio Shortwave via Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany. TRS ran two test programs last weekend Channel 292. On Saturday I heard them with a relatively weak signal on 6070 kHz, 9 h UTC. On Sunday significantly better on 9670 kHz, 10 h UTC. I sent my report to .

e-QSL Texas Radio Shortwave test transmission via Channel 292

During the test program they were playing different versions of “The Yellow Rose of Texas” song. The song is from around 1850. The singer tells about his love for a “yellow girl”, a term that in those days was used to describe a light-skinned girl of mixed black and white ancestry. Later the lyrics were changed from “yellow girl” to “yellow rose”.

There is a story that the song refers to Emily D. West, whose statue you see on the e QSL card. Working as a servant in Texas she was kidnapped by the Mexican Cavalry and forced to travel with the forces of General Antonio López de Santa Anna. In the battle of San Jacinto the Mexicans were defeated in 18 minutes by the Texan Army led by General Sam Houston. It is said that the Mexicans were caught unprepared as Santa Anna was in bed with West.

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