The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: QSL (Page 1 of 40)

QSL WXKS Talk 1200 Newton

WXKS Talk 1200, an iHeart station from Newton, Massachussets, can be heard often across the Atlantic. “Boston’s Conservative Talk, Talk 1200” broadcast shows and podcasts offering a conservative perspective. My reception report was confirmed with a nice personal email by Jim Polito, host of their morning show.

Funny thing is that the MP3 clip I included featured the announcement of his show:
“The Jim Polito Show, weekday mornings from 5 to 9 here on Boston Conservative Talk, Talk 1200. Moving in next door to Glenn, Clay, Buck, Sean, Joe Pags & Mark Levin, what a great neighbour to wake up in!”

Thanks to Helmut Matt for sharing the email address!

QSL NDB MI-346 Mikkeli

There are only 9 NDBs left in Finland. I heard 3 beacons for Kokkala-Pietarsaari airport in 2023, but my reception reports to Fintraffic remained unanswered. Mikkeli Airport however is a small airport in the Finnish Lake District and they have their own local management. Mr. Sami Kahilakoski, FIS manager was so kind to confirm my report of my reception of MI on 346 kHz. And included a nice scan of the Instrument Approach Chart. That’s so nice, as I got these on paper in the 80s, but this is the first one I got since I resumed my hobby.

So this is my first NDB confirmed from Finland. As I said, Mikkeli is a small airport, with no regular flights. But it is popular for sport, gliding and parachute jumping activities.

QSL Akashvani Bhawanipatna 1206 kHz

A very nice old school QSL for my first reception of Akashvani from India on mediumwave 1206 kHz. The transmitter is located in Bhawanipatna, in the state of Odisha in the Eastern part of India. Almost 7500 kilometers from my QTH.

QSL Akhasvani on Mediumwave 1206 kHz from Bhawanipatna
QSL Akashvani on Mediumwave 1206 kHz from Bhawanipatna

I heard them with an English program, with news about foreign relations issues with China, Bangladesh and Kuwait and a long discussion on finance. You can hear the ID in this clip “This is Akashvani”:

QSL Radio 208 1440 kHz

A QSL from Radio 208 1440 kHz from Copenhagen, Denmark. I sent my report in July 2023, so it took about 82 weeks I guess to get this QSL. Some of my most beloved QSLs took so long, and this one was definitely worth the wait as Stig Hartvig Nielsen, who is also running WMR, is a true radio icon. I am grateful he took the time to reply.

So please visit the streams he mentioned in the post below and give him “the thumbs up”!

eQSL Radio 208
eQSL Radio 208 1440 kHz, Copenhagen, Denmark

Stig Hartvig Nielsen wrote:

Dear Peter 

Thanks very much for your reception report to Radio208. I am pleased to verify your report; please find attached a Radio208 eQSL. My apologies for the delay in replying.

Radio208 is a music station playing tracks from the period 1964-1984. The main focus is on classic rock, punk/new wave, alternative, ‘hippie’, and progressive music.

Radio208 commenced broadcasting on 1440 kHz on December 17th 2019 from Ishøj, in the southern suburbs of Copenhagen. At present the power is 650 Watts. The aerial for 1440 kHz is a sloping dipole 2×50 m from a height of approx. 73 m.  Is on the air 24/7 (with a short break 0155-0210 UTC).

Radio208 started broadcasting on 1422 kHz in July 2024 from Nørrebro in Central Copenhagen with very low power (around 1 Watt). A coil aerial is used. Is on the air 24/7.

Radio208 is also broadcasting on short wave from Hvidovre, Copenhagen, since May 1st 2020. From the beginning the frequency was 5805 kHz, but in December 2020 this was changed to 5970 kHz.  The aerial is a horizontal dipole. The power is approx. 150 Watts. Is on the air 24/7

Radio208 can also be heard through Internet streaming via various platforms such as,,,, and  In particular listening via is recommended:   (please add Radio208 as your favourite). If you like to see the titles of the tracks played on Radio208 you can use this site:  (please give “thumps up )

Best 73s and good DX,
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,

QSL Radio Emanuel 1430 kHz

A QSL email from Radio Emanuel 1430 kHZ, from Santiago, Dominican Republic. My first MW QSL from this country, and my 2nd QSL ever with La Voz del CID, from 1987 being the other one I received. This one really belongs in the category “things I wouldn’t have thought possible” two years ago when I resumed my hobby. But apparently I’m still learning as I go.

As mentioned earlier, SDR console definitely has some advantages over the HDSDR software I used a year ago. But also keeping track of what others in the MW list group hear – facilitated by Jaguar software – helps me to tune in to those 10-15 minutes that a rare station is audible. That allows me to extract the title of that one song, that one station identification that is required for a meaningful reception report. Basically it boils down to this: you need to use software and intelligence to compensate for today’s high noise levels!

Radio Emanuel is a religious station broadcasting with 3 kW from Santiago de los Caballeros, the 2nd largest city in the Dominican Republic. They present themselves as “La emisora de Dios por la familia de hoy” (God’s radio station for today’s family). I found it difficult to learn a bit more about this station. Based on their website it seems like station with roots in the Dominican Republic and not one of the missionaries with head offices abroad.

QSL NDB JV-367 Ilulissat

Ilulissat Airport with the NDB JV tower visible in the background

Jakob Schytz, Ilulissat Airport Manager, sent me a very friendly detailed letter to confirm my reception of NDB JV on 367 kHz. And he also included a photo of the radio beacon (and one of himself in front of it, but for privacy reasons I prefer not to post that one here).

QSL email for NDB JV-367 Ilulissat

Ilulissat Airport is the 2nd biggest airport in Greenland. Currently a new airport is being built in Ilulissat, scheduled to be completed in 2026. Together with the airports in Nuuk and Qaqartoq the airport should form the backbone of air transport in Greenland. You can read more about these projects on the website of the Nordic Investment Bank.

QSL NDB SF-382 Kangerlussuaq

A nice QSL email for my reception of NDB SF at Kangerlussuaq Airport on 382 kHz. I made my reception using the BDMR/Clashmore SDR during the “Pyramid Event”. But this is definitely one of the stronger Greenlandic beacons so at a noise free location reception is possible in The Netherlands.

Kangerlussuaq was the main airport in Greenland until the new Nuuk Airport opened in November 2024. There is a lot to be said about the strategy and politics behind the development of Greenland Airports, as you can read here. Climate change apparently plays a role, as permafrost underneath Kangerlussuaq is thawing. But at the same time the Kangerlussuaq airport has a future because its location is less sensitive to weather and traffic disruptions, which is important for cruise ship passengers. And yes, in these days where Donald Trump is talking about taking over Greenland: this airport was constructed by the US military during WWII, when Denmark was occupied by Nazi Germany.

Don’t forget to watch this nice Youtube clip about Kangerlussuaq Airport, its history and surroundings.

Kangerlussuaq Airport
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