The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: NDB (Page 2 of 7)

QSL NDB VTN-468 Kraljevo/Vitanovac

My 2nd QSL in the series of 10 NDBs from Serbia was for NDB VTN-468. It serves as navigation aid for Morava Airport near Kraljevo. Verie signer was Mr. Savic from SMATSA, the air traffic services provider for Serbia and Montenegro.

Morava Airport is the third largest airport in Serbia, after Beograd and Nis. The military part of the airport is known as Lađevci Airport . The civilian part was opened in 2006. Apparently it is struggling bit to really grow to its full potential. Currently there are flights to Tivat in Montenegro, Thessaloniki and Istanbul only.

Morava Airport near Kraljevo in Serbia

QSL NDB JST-405 Niš/Justic

JST on 405 kHz was one of the first more remote NDBs I heard when I resumed DX-in over a year ago. The beacon is located NW of the Niš Airport in Serbia. I was very interested in verifying this beacon, as so far I was not able to verify a radio station from Serbia. All my “Serbian” QSLs date from the Yugoslavia era.

Via Patrick Robic (thank you!) I received the email address of Slavisa Savic, assessor at SMATSA llc, the company responsible for Air Traffic Services in Serbia and Montenegro. He also confirmed my reception of the TVA beacon on 345 kHz from Montenegro and was so kind to do this for the 10 beacons I received from Serbia as well. With the QSL of JST-405 Niš/Justic I have my 196th radio country confirmed!

Niš Constantine the Great Airport

Nis Airport is located in the South East of Serbia. It is the 2nd largest airport in Serbia. The full name is Nis Constantine the Great Airport, name after Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who was born in Niš (named Naissus at the time). Constantine the Great – as you might have learned at school – was the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity in 312 AD.

QSL 7 NDBs from the Czech Republic

Between October and December 2023 I received 11 NDBs from the Czech Republic. I received a QSL for 4 of them via ANS , but the other 7 were the responsibility of the Czech military, for which I didn’t have an email address.

A big thanks to Patrick Robic who made me aware that NARFA CZE confirmed his reports in the past. I sent my report to . And indeed, 1st Lieutenant Lucie Mertová was so kind to QSL my reception of the following NDBs:

CF-345.5 and C-715 for Caslav Airbase
PK-432 and P-888 for Pardubice Airport (shared mil/civil)
K-438 for Praha-Kbely Airbase
LA-514.5 and XU-563 for Namest nad Oslavou Airbase.

NARFA is the National Frequency Agency of the Czech Republic. They are part of the Czech Army. A good overview of their activities can be found on the NARFA website.

QSL NDB B-395 Bilbao

The fifth and last on my recent QSL email for NDBs in the North of Spain: NDB B-395 Bilbao. The beacon is situated on Punta Galea, left of the Bilbao harbour entrance, next to the golf club.

Below the ENAIRE datasheet submitted with my QSL, and a slightly better picture taken from Google Maps. Similar to San Sebastian NDB HIG it is a dipole suspende between two towers at 12 m height.

Datasheet NDB B Bilbao
Slightly better picture of the NDB B set-up on Punto Galea, Bilbao (Google Maps)

QSL NDB HIG-328 San Sebastian

Another NDB from the north of Spain on my recent QSL from Enaire: HIG-328 San Sebastian. The call sign refers to Cabo Higuer, which is where the beacon is located. The frequency is 328 kHz.

Data sheet NDB HIG Cabo Higuer

Enaire always sends nice data sheets with their emails. Unfortunately the resolution is a bit on the low side. But NDB HIG can be “approached” in Google Maps, which gives a good impression of the set-up. The antenna is a dipole suspended by two towers (orange arrow) at 12 mtrs height. The dipole is fed (green arrow) from the little building (red arrow). Nice detail is the ENAIRE sign post.

NDB HIG San Sebastian
NDB HIG San Sebastian (Google Maps)

QSL NDB SA-416 Santander

Earlier I posted about my QSL for NDBs C-410 and C-401 from A Coruña. These beacons were confirmed as part of a set of 5 NDBs I received from the north of Spain. The other beacons are SA, B and HIG. NDB SA on 416 kHz is located near Seve Ballasteros – Santander Airport.

Email to QSL my reception of NDBs C, COA, SA, B and HIG in the North of Spain

Seve Ballasteros was a well know golfprofessional who at the age of 54 after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. In 2015, four years after his death, the Santander Airport was named after him.
The position of the beacon in relation to the airport can easily be seen on the ourairports website. It sits nicely in line with the runway.

And as always the information desk at Enaire included a datasheet for this beacon:

Coruna Airport NDBs: C-410 and COA-401 kHz

Coruna Airport… Don’t drink and fly?

Enaire is a reliable verifier of my receptions of NDBs. That’s nice as there are still quite a few NDBs active in Spain. I received NDB C on 410 kHz, and NDB COA on 401 kHz, both close to Coruna Airport. For this weblog I googled a Coruna Airport picture and I was surprised to see an Estrella Galicia beer commercial on their tower 😂.

Enaire always includes datasheet pictures in their reply. Can someone comment on the antenna lay out, it almost looks like a dipole?

QSL NDB TAZ-345 Tivat

SMATSA stands for Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Safety Agency. Mr. Slavisa Savic, who is also a HAM operator with call sign YT5DX , was so kind to confirm my reception of radio beacon TAZ. This non directional beacon is in service for Tivat Airport in Montenegro. My 195th radio country confirmed!

QSL NDB LAR-382 and EVR-425 Portugal

I received a friendly email to QSL NDB LAR-382 and EVR-425 Portugal. Rosa Roque, head of maintenance at FIR Lisboa Airport, answered the email I sent to . The same address that verified my reception of NDB FIL on the Azores.

Dear Peter,

We confirm that these are the frequencies and the call sign of these radio beacons.

It’s amazing how, under exceptional propagation conditions, a frequency can be heard at such a great distance.

This is to confirm that Peter Reuderink has received radio beacons LAR on 382 kHz, and EVR on 425 kHz.

Many thanks. Best Regards.


Rosa Roque

DOPLIS/MANLIS – Head of Maintenance Services

Lisbon FIR Operations Directorate

As far as I know their are 4 NDBs left in Portugal. Two of them can be received most evenings at my QTH,
LAR at Arruda (I guess the callsign is derived from Lisboa-ARruda) is situated north of Lisbon International Airport aligned with the runway.
EVR is situated at Évora Municipal Airport. The Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer owns two plants adjacent to the airport.

QSL NDB MIA-292 Melilla

A QSL for NDB MIA-292 in Melilla. As Melilla is a Spanish enclave on the North African coast it counts as a separate radio country, a new one for me. I chased for a week on this one. Made SDR recordings from sunset until sunrise of the 290-310 kHz band, in 1 hour segments. Next processed the recordings with Pskov.
This resulted in 3 loggings of MIA, of which one was clearly identifiable and thus reportable. Unfortunately I did not obtain an good copy of NDB CEU-300 from Ceuta, which is also high on my wish list.

I sent my report to, and as with earlier reception reports the confirmation email contained a datasheet but also a high quality photo of the antenna.

NDB MIA on 292 kHz in Mellila
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