The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Enaire

QSL NDB EAL-332 Almagro

A Eurocopter Tiger during an “Open Day” on Almagro “Coronel Sánchez Bilbao” airbase

Together with the QSLs for NDBs GE-421 and CVT-417 the Enaire email also served as a QSL NDB EAL Almagro, Spain on 332 kHz. But the usual Enaire info slide was not available, as the beacon is run by the military:

Le confirmamos que la recepción de las estaciones NDB con indicativos GE, CVT y EAL es correcta. Estos sistemas están operativos actualmente en España y apoyan procedimientos de aproximación. Se adjunta para su información datos relativos a la ubicación y características de dichas instalaciones. En el caso del NDB EAL, pertenece al Ejército no a Enaire, luego solo disponemos de los datos publicados en AIP.

NDB con indicativo EAL:
–          Ubicado en el Helipuerto de Ciudad Real/Almagro. Instalación perteneciente al Ejército que da apoyo a los procedimientos instrumentales del Helipuerto.
–          Frecuencia 332.000 kHz
–          Coordenadas publicadas en AIP. ETRS89: 38º57’10.0”N   003º45’17.0”W

The Almagro airbase is named after “Coronel Sánchez Bilbao”. It is the home of the Attack Helicopter Battalion #1 — BHELA I of the Army Airmobile Force. Which sounds wonderful in Spanish: Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra.

Logo of the BHELA I battalion stationed at Almagro Airbase

QSL NDB VR-365 Gran Canaria

The third QSL I received for a beacon from the Canary Islands: NDB VT-365 on the island of Gran Canaria. The largest island, but not the beacon with the best signal overhere as you can see on the Pskov image on my PPC. I got my QSL via

“PPC” QSL for NRB VR-365 Gran Canaria

QSL NDB HIE-376 El Hierro

During the CLE299 all of a sudden I received three beacons from the Canary Islands. I’ve said it before, reception from a station based on an island is somehow always a bit special. So I am very pleased with this QSL for NDB HIE-376, located on the island of El Hierro.

“PPC” QSL for NDB HIE-376 El Hierro, Canary Islands.

El Hierro is the tiniest inhabited island of the Canaries. But it has an airstrip, and on the picture below you can actually see the radio beacon, to the left of the terminal building. It’s a tiny airport, and traffic is limited to flights from Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

El Hierro Airport. Photo © Iván Berrocal

As was the case with the QSL for the NDBs on the Baleares, the email confirming my reception came with a fully detailed datasheet:

QSL NDB IZA-394 Ibiza

Via Enaire, the air navigation and aeronautical information service provider in Spain, I got a QSL for NDB IZA-394 Ibiza. This radio beacon is located in Santa Eulalia del Rio on the island of Ibiza. It serves as approach beacon for the airport of Ibiza, and take off beacon for the airports of Menorca and Palma de Mallorca. The transmitter is a Marconi SS 2000A with 200W output power. The Antenna is a “T” as you can see on the picture they so kindly provided:

Technical Info NDB IZA-394 kHz Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

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