The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Radio Joey 6395 kHz

eQSL Radio Joey 6395 kHz

A nice colorful eQSL from Radio Joey on 6395 kHz. All I can tell you is that Radio Joey is a pirate station from The Netherlands (as shown on the QSL) which also shows the hotmail address.


  1. UkDxer

    Joey is one of the younger Dutch pirate operators, usually plays dance music but sometimes other types of music also. He’s mainly on air at weekends, recently been using 5844 kHz

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi, I have to say that your blog was a great help to me during the SWL 2024 contest, allowing me to quickly spot a few stations on my SDR recordings!
      And I heard your reception reports being read a couple of times during the show!
      73s, Peter

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