QSL Cupid Radio 6290 kHz
QSL Cupid Radio from The Netherlands

A birthday present! Upon return from a nice birthday dinner I noticed that I was receiving Cupid Radio on 6290 kHz on my SDR receiver. Dropped an email to cupidradio@hotmail.com which was read during the show. The next day I wrote a full report which was answered with a personal email and this nice QSL card.

I was told that they were operating on 15105 towards the US earlier that evening. They moved to 6290 kHz when the band closed, and that’s where I found them playing hard rock music like AC/DC and Kiss. The power is 500 Watts generated by two Russian GU81 tubes… and I like that sort of technology as that is the sort of stuff that got me into radio! This YouTube video gives you a good impression about the size of these things!

Cupid Radio has a very interesting Facebook page… I encourage you all to check it out! They run SSTV as well, albeit mainly on 13 and 19 m…. I would really like to catch one of those!