What a surprise! While I was participating in the SWL 2024 contest this summer I received Myanma Radio on 5985 kHz in excellent quality (SIO454).
I tried to QSL this station in the 80ies: reception of the station was never easy. The reply percentage to QSL requests were low… I was never successful. As I also didn’t manage to receive a QSL from Rangoon (Yangon) Aeradio the country of Myanmar stayed on high on my “to do” list.
I learned that recently DX-ers had success with sending a report to nptradio.eng(at)mail.com . So I gave it a try. Six weeks later I received a friendly email and a nice e QSL! My 197th radio country QSLed!

The program I received was a program in Myanmar language, clearly recognizable as they played the national anthem “Kaba Ma Kyei”, followed by a prayer ended by that bell sound so characteristic for Buddhism. After that the programme continued with local traditional music. They do have programs in English as well as you can see in the above schedule. I might try this coming winter as transmission times do not seem to favor reception in Europe during summer months.
The surprise QSL’s are the nicest ones 🙂
While I was tuning around this morning I noticed a (presumably Dutch) station transmitting on 5140 kHz, the former frequency of Charleston Radio Int.
Do you know the station by any chance ? So far haven’t heard any identification.
73 good DX Peter !
Hi Patrick, I don’t know. By the time I saw your post it was apparently already off the air. I know that Deltracks has been more active near this frequency, last noted on 5135 kHz, but they tend to move around a bit. They do have strong signal and play non-stop music typically with IDs rarely heard.
73s, Peter