Radio Kiss Kiss is a commercial station with an Italy wide network on FM. They focus on soul, funk and disco. I heard them on 92.2 MHz. I made a Youtube clip so you can hear for yourself: Radio KissKiss, 92 200 MHz, 2024 06 02 17h52Z (youtube.com)
There are 5 stations listed on this frequency, with the 5 kW station from Cupello being the strongest. As I heard a few other stations from that part of Italy I assume this might be the transmitter I received.

I sent my report to info@kisskiss.it , and received an answer within a day. In addition to Radio Kiss Kiss I also heard Kiss Kiss Italia en Kiss Kiss Napoli on June 2nd. They have the same parent company: Media Radio . Unfortunately I did not receive a reply on my reports for them yet.
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