The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Bandar Abbas Radio 12577 kHz

My previous post was about the reception of Bandar Abbas (e Shahid Rajaei) Radio from Iran which was a new DSC station for me. I didn’t expect an answer on my reception report, but within a day I had a kind reply from the Duty Officer.

Email to QSL Bandar Abbas Radio
A brief email to QSL Bandar Abbas (e Shahid Rajaei) Radio on 12577 kHz


  1. Roberto

    That’s great Peter! Tried 3 times to reach this station but no reply. Your post gives me a light of hope! Furthermore, it’s wonderful to see how radio can reach far beyond political and cultural fences.

    • Peter Reuderink

      Hi Robert, Sometimes you just have to be lucky I guess on who is the duty officer that receives your email… typically 5 different people for 5 shifts, and 5 replacements… makes 10. Faites vos Jeux, it is like a casino. But indeed, I was really pleased with this one!

  2. Abdelilah Boubchir

    hi Peter, Was the broadcast good or poor ! how many in sinpo

    • Peter Reuderink

      Apologies Abdelilah, for some reason I missed your comment completely and only saw it today. It is difficult to give it a SINPO code, as this is a digital mode and the reception was made when I was away from the receiver. But I got a perfect copy of the message, with cECC code OK.

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