Pretty amazing… today I’m running this blog for a year now. When I started I still had no idea what to expect from taking on my DX hobby again. A year later I have written 246 posts. And it means that I must have received around 250 QSLs as well!
More importantly is probably that made a couple of new DX friends through this blog. It is definitely true that modern communication tools have impacted our hobby. But it is not all bad as we can share and discuss our results “real time”.
To celebrate the anniversary I dug in my QSL collection to add some party decorations to this post… Thanks for reading my posts and leaving your comments!
73s, Peter

Thank you Antonio!
Congratulations, Peter! I hope to enjoy your Blog for many more years!
“Deo volente” Artur, and likewise!
Glückwunsch zum einjährigen Bestehen !
Interessante QSLs ! Weiterhin Gut DX
73 und 55 Klaus-Peter
Vielen Dank Klaus-Peter!
Great DX blog!! Congratulations, Peter
Thank you Rafael!
Well done Peter ! Always enjoy reading your interesting blog.
Keep up the good work, and good DX !
73, Patrick
Thank you Patrick… you seem to do well on your new QTH!
I enjoy reading your blog and have added it to my list of blogs on my blogsite
Keep up the good work
Hi UK Dxer! Thank you very much. I had your blog in my bookmark list as it is one of the best sources of Free Radio information. I now added you on the lists of blogs on my site.
My personal interest in Free Radio is mainly because of their beautiful QSLs. Once every now and then it is fun to spend a weekend on Free Radio DX-ing. Problem is: there is so much to do on the bands after being away from the hobby for quite a few years. Kind regards, Peter.
Congratulations to you, Peter.
If ever you come across Luxembourg, make sure to contact me and I could show you around. (Beidweiler, Hosingen, Dudelange), all transmitter sites.
Thank Joé. Fortunately I had the pleasure of visiting Luxembourg quite often, 50 years ago with my parents, later with my wife on bike pack tours from the Netherlands to Luxembourg and back. And I saw the Hosingen and Beidweiler sites. Not sure if I ever visited Dudelange. Kind regards, Peter (apologies for late reply, I had a bit of a busy week, and somehow I missed your comment).
Keep it running!
Danke Franz, jeden Tag erlebe ich etwas Neues. Und bitte setzen Sie Ihren Blog fort.
It is wonderful time to reading the story behind each QSL, please keep sharing.
Thank you Chen… it is a wonderful way of challenging yourself in new technologies, keeping you informed on what goes on in the world, and making new friends!