The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Alt Universe Top 40, 9670 kHz

I am a fan of Channel 292. It is a nice platform for enthusiastic producers to share their view on music across international borders. This weekend I listened to Alt Universe Top 40. A nice show that provides context on a Top 40 chart in a selected year.

John McMullan is the man behind Alt Universe Top 40. He was so kind to confirm my reception report with a very nice email. Please check out John on his next show, and send him a report!

1 Comment

  1. F. Bleeker

    Mr. McMullan is probably right – repeats don’t hurt when they are about music, rather than about news. When it’s about information, radio should be as “realtime” as possible.

    I’ve listen to Alt Universe Top-40 every now and then for a number of years and I like the concept.

    I think we can be pretty sure that there will be a christmas edition that won’t be a repeat! Those editions are always special.

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