The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Alcaravan Radio 5910 kHz

I received Alcaravan Radio on Sunday night on 5910 kHz. Following a program with Latin American music I heard a DX program “Onda Continua”. In this program they also transmitted their call sign and frequency in CW, so I could practice my morse skills again. The e- QSL Alcaravan Radio 5910 kHz arrived in just two days.

QSL Alcaravan Radio Puerto Lleras 5910 kHz
e- QSL Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, Colombia on 5910 kHz

The DX program was presented by Rafael Rodriguez who is also QSL manager for Alcaravan Radio: . He wrote me that “Onda Continua” is aired on Saturdays and Sundays at 1, 4 and 9 hr UTC.

Rafael also invites you to visit his DX blog:, and his Youtube channel: .


  1. Patrick

    Nice one Peter !
    Maintaining my morseskills is a lifelong task for me.
    Every year my newyear’s resolution is to practice more my morse, but every year there is something unexpected that cross that intention 😉
    Good DX !

  2. Peter Reuderink

    Thank you Patrick, I was very happy with this one… cost me two nights! My morse skills are definitely not good… and I can’t always blame propagation conditions for my failure. I received “Ghost in the Air Glow” project from HAARP Alaska recently, with a poem in 20 words per minute… Too weak for tools like MultiPSK. For me that is just making a record, and play over and over again, until I got it decoded!

    That said… this is only my fourth Colombian radiostation that I got QSL-ed, and not because of a lack of trying. Really happy that Rafael is apparently into the DX scene!

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