The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Category: India

QSL Akashvani Bhawanipatna 1206 kHz

A very nice old school QSL for my first reception of Akashvani from India on mediumwave 1206 kHz. The transmitter is located in Bhawanipatna, in the state of Odisha in the Eastern part of India. Almost 7500 kilometers from my QTH.

QSL Akhasvani on Mediumwave 1206 kHz from Bhawanipatna
QSL Akashvani on Mediumwave 1206 kHz from Bhawanipatna

I heard them with an English program, with news about foreign relations issues with China, Bangladesh and Kuwait and a long discussion on finance. You can hear the ID in this clip “This is Akashvani”:

QSL Akashvani 9620 kHz

Akashvani or All India Radio is another broadcaster that still issues nice paper QSL cards. I sent my reception report on their program in French to . Seven weeks later this beautiful card was delivered.

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