My JRC NRD535 is usually tuned to 14230 kHz in SSTV watch mode (using MultiPSK). This weekend I noticed a couple of interesting SSTV images:

The HAM station ZG2GI was in the air during Gibraltar National Day, September 10th. I considered it a catch worth posting on my site. The day commemorates Gibraltar’s first sovereignty referendum of 1967. Gibraltarian voters were asked whether they wished to either pass under Spanish sovereignty, or remain under British sovereignty, with institutions of self-government. Listening to the radio (or is this more like “viewing the radio” ) makes that you learn something new every day.

Gibraltar is a separate EDXC radio country. There is still a medium wave station on 1458 kHz which was always difficult to receive. But with more and more stations shutting down, who knows? For now, Lyca Radio – oddly enough with 125 kW one of the most powerful AM stations left in the UK – is still dominating the frequency here in my home QTH Woerden.
The alternative in the 80-ies was to receive the Royal Navy from Gibraltar who was broadcasting with callsign GYU in CW on shortwave. And yes, my QSL shows the monkey and the rock!