The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Category: Finland

QSL NDB MI-346 Mikkeli

There are only 9 NDBs left in Finland. I heard 3 beacons for Kokkala-Pietarsaari airport in 2023, but my reception reports to Fintraffic remained unanswered.

Mikkeli Airport however is a small airport in the Finnish Lake District and they have their own local management. I sent my report to .Mr. Sami Kahilakoski, FIS manager was so kind to confirm my report of my reception of MI on 346 kHz. And included a nice scan of the Instrument Approach Chart. That’s so nice, as I got these on paper in the 80s, but this is the first one I got since I resumed my hobby.

So this is my first NDB confirmed from Finland. As I said, Mikkeli is a small airport, with no regular flights. But it is popular for sport, gliding and parachute jumping activities.

QSL Realmix Radio 6195 kHz

A QSL for Realmix Radio from southern Finland on 6195 kHz.
With the major broadcasters leaving shortwave there is a trend of smaller low power stations to step in. If only for the fun of it! The Netherlands seem to be leading with stations like Casanova, Delta, Veronica and Piepzender. But Finland is following with Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Piko, Realmix Radio and Radio Blacksmith Knoll (the latter one is a station I still have to receive).

I heard Realmix Radio around 18:30 UTC for a few minutes in reasonable quality SINPO23332, with the English presenter clearly understandable. Around 19:00 I was able to pick up a few song titles with Shazam. Their SSTV signal was also clearly audible, but did not result in a decent decode.
I sent my report to . Realmix Radio is on air during the weekend, check for the latest schedule on their Facebook page.

QSL Scandinavian Weekend Radio 11690 kHz

An e QSL for Scandinavian Weekend Radio on 11690 kHz. According to their website this is the first Finnish legal radio station to broadcast on MW and SW. The 100 Watt transmitter is located in Virrat, some 80 kilometers north of Tampere in central Finland. True to their name they broadcast during the weekend on various frequencies.

You can also get a paper QSL for 5 Euros, 3 USD or 2 valid and properly stamped IRCs.

QSL Scandinavian Weekend Radio from Finland
e-QSL from Scandinavian Weekend Radio from Virrat, Finland

QSL Radio Piko 5980 kHz

Radio Piko is a new legal LPAM station from Finland. It is broadcasting from Asikkala in the south of Finland with 10 Watts only. Despite a few efforts I couldn’t receive Radio Piko as well as Hugo Matten for example did, mainly because of higher noise levels.

But when I compared my recordings with what I heard on the WebSDR of the Finnish DX Association I discovered that the female station ID in English was clearly audible. With that typical pitch when pronouncing “Radio Piiiko”. Traces of 1940s music could also be picked up.

Radio Piko Asikkala Finland
e QSL from low power (10 W) station Radio Piko from Finland

I sent my report – which was basically just my MP3 recording – to , and Jari – who is also an avid DX-er – was so kind to confirm my reception with the beautiful e-QSL card. Jari wrote that he didn’t expect perfect reception outside Nordic countries. With 10 watts carrier it is just for DX catch. 5980 kHz brings a solid signal in Nordic countries in evening. 49 and 75 metres antenna is a simple wire in forest.

Radio Piko is on air typically two hours on saturday and sunday evening, on 3990, 5980 or 9770 kHz. Most often they broadcast in LSB, with the occasional SSTV snippet as well. Check the Radio Piko website for the latest schedule information.

I admit, I had to look up where Asikkala was on the map: 1606 kms from my QTH.

QSL Mariehamn / Turku Radio 2187.5 kHz

With centralization and the introduction of remote operation it is not always easy or even possible to identify what you actually heard. Sending DSC messages with MMSI 002301000 this station is referred to as Mariehamn Radio in the DSC community. The ITU list gives MRCC Turku as the station however, and Turku is definitely the control centre for operations in the western part of Finland. Helsinki seems to be the other main control centre.

Anyway, as QSL Mariehamn / Turku Radio for a reception of their DSC test message on 2187.5 kHz I got a short email from, which is the email address for the headoffice in Turku.

In the old days things were easier: I added the QSL I received in 1989 for my reception of Mariehamn Radio on 1852 kHz which definitely originated from the Aland Islands.

QSL Turku Radio
QSL email from Mariehamn / Turku Radio
QSL Mariehamn Radio 1989 Aland Islands
The QSL I received in 1989 definitely confirmed reception of Mariehamn Radio, Aland Islands, Finland.

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