The wonderful world of listening to the radio

The Moosbrunn antenna is no more

The Moosbrunn shortwave antenna is no more. In August last year I still received a QSL email for the Ö1 program on 6155 kHz. Utilization of the Moosbrunn transmitters had gone down for years, until there was only a 75 minute broadcast left. But following the Russian invasion in the Ukraine the number of broadcasts went up with daily morning, afternoon, and evening programs. With global tensions rising the decision to destroy the Moosbrunn facilities is not without controversy. Last week a petition was started to reconsider. But with what seemed apparent haste, the antennas were blown up…

Below a picture of the antenna when it was still operational. It was basically an array of dipoles in front of a curtain reflector. The whole ensemble could be rotated to give the beam the desired direction.

The Moosbrunn directional HF antenna

1 Comment

  1. F. Bleeker


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