There are only 9 NDBs left in Finland. I heard 3 beacons for Kokkala-Pietarsaari airport in 2023, but my reception reports to Fintraffic remained unanswered. Mikkeli Airport however is a small airport in the Finnish Lake District and they have their own local management. Mr. Sami Kahilakoski, FIS manager was so kind to confirm my report of my reception of MI on 346 kHz. And included a nice scan of the Instrument Approach Chart. That’s so nice, as I got these on paper in the 80s, but this is the first one I got since I resumed my hobby.

So this is my first NDB confirmed from Finland. As I said, Mikkeli is a small airport, with no regular flights. But it is popular for sport, gliding and parachute jumping activities.