Radio Igloo was on air last weekend (and I told you so!). This time from Europe (my previous QSL was for a reception via WRMI). On Saturday, November 11th, they were present on three frequencies via three different Free Radio stations. I managed to pick up the one on 4975 kHz, but only the first 30 minutes. Conditions were poor and I suffered a lot of QRN on my holiday location in Exloo, which didn’t help either.
A day later I heard them on 6375 kHz (which was the only frequency they used that day). Fortunately quality was much better this time, and I could listen to the entire show which featured a nice selection of music, mainly picked by participants on the Westcoast DX Club event that was held at the same time. They were together 25 km North East of Gothenburg, Sweden, with some nice antennas, including a 300 m long Beverage. You can see the expedition on the QSL – I’ve been on many DX weekends, but never one where the beds were directly behind the receiver 😉!
According to Shortwave DX blog, the 4975 kHz transmission was via Free Radio Akenzo, and the 6375 kHz via Radio Mexico. I sent my report to radioigloo@gmail.com.