The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Month: October 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

QSL United AM, Neede 1008 kHz

Yesterday I was cleaning up my email inbox and to my surprise I found an e-QSL that I forgot I had. Late 2021 I was thinking about what I wanted to do when I retired and I started to explore the radio bands a bit again. I soon found out that a lot had changed. With my JRC ND535 attached to a simple long wire for example, I struggled to hear anything because of high noise levels. So I tried the Twente WebSDR.

But not only the reception conditions had changed, the whole band use had changed as well. For many years 1008 kHz was a key frequency for Dutch national radio broadcasting. Initially from Lopik (only 15 kms from my QTH in Woerden) and later from Flevoland with a powerful 400 kW transmitter. In 2004 national radio left mediumwave, and the frequency went up for auction. Radio 10 – a commercial broadcaster – took over. From 2007 Groot Nieuws Radio, a radiostation with a religious backgrond, used the frequency until New Years Eve 2018.

e-QSL from United Am, Neede on 1008 kHz

Soon after the frequency was made available to LPAM stations. United AM from Neede started broadcasting on this frequency and as they are located close to Twente University and their WebSDR I was able to receive them very well. I decided to give it a try and sent a reception report. I got a nice e-QSL showing the huge antenna setup near a relatively small house.

But after 5 years United AM shut down as well… and like their big brother on New Years Eve. Their QSL is still my first QSL from the new Dutch LPAM scene!

Closing announcement of United AM 1008

QSL NDB BL-421 Borlänge Airport

From 23rd – 25th September I participated in another Coordinated Listening Event. This time the challenge was to try to log a beacon on each frequency between 275 and 425 kHz. So maximum 151 NDBs. In total I logged close to 380 beacons on 127 different frequencies.
Of course I try to get a couple of QSLs in return for this effort and like last time I decided to focus on Sweden (there is no way that I’m going to send out 380 reception reports!). The first QSL came in today from Borlänge Airport. NDB BL-421 is located 1132 km from my home QTH.

QSL NDB BL-421 Borlange Airport, Sweden
QSL NDB BL-421 Borlange Airport, Sweden
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